Hi and welcome to my site! My name is Heather Moffatt and I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2009. Upon receiving my diagnosis my doctor informed me there was no cure for the disease and it was unclear as to why individuals suffered from this autoimmune disorder. At the time my doctor told me this information I thought to myself that is complete BS and at that moment I was determined to figure out why and how I got sick. I mean we’ve all had elementary science and one of the first things we learn as children is that an effect can not take place without a cause, therefore, cause=effect.

At the time of my diagnosis I was 30 years old. It made no sense to me why a woman of her 30s would fall ill like this. I was bleeding rectally, severe and chronic abdominal pain, joint pain, edema, migraines(longest lasted 11 weeks), anemia, weightloss, hands and feet going numb, hairloss, eyesight going blurry, psoriasis, chronic exhaustion and uncontrollable diahrrea, just to name a few of my symptoms. Every 30 minutes or so you could find me in the bathroom almost shitting my pants. Which most days I did at least once. Ooh then there’s the story of pooping my pants in public the first time but that’s for a different time. Trust me when I say, I know the embarrassment you feel not being able to control your bowel movements.

Through years of research and experimentation on my own body I have learned what it takes to heal our bodies, which God created them to do automatically as long as they’re given the proper environment.

I know God allowed this disease to happen for me not to me so I may be able to fulfill my life’s purpose of helping others heal as well. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you’ll stick around and be encouraged to heal yourself too!