Organic Gluten Free Enchilada Sauce

In order to heal and still be able to eat good tasting, nutritious food you’ll want to eliminate as many chemicals in your food as possible. This is why you’ll always see my recipes call for organic ingredients because if you’re not trying to eliminate as many chemicals as you can from your eating lifestyle then you will continue to poison your body and the earth we live on. My hope through this blog is that I can help educate and bring awareness to you so that we may all learn better to do better, for ourselves and future generations.

This enchilada sauce takes minutes to throw together and can simmer as you cook your meat or get ready what ever it is you plan on serving with this better than restaurant enchilada sauce.

Feel free to reduce the recipe in half. I always make a lot so I have leftovers for nachos, quesadillas, taco salads or whatever your little heart desires. If you make this please let me know your thoughts.

Organic Grain Free Apple Pie with Walnut Streusel

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring and tasteless. Now I wouldn’t recommend eating sweet treats on a regular basis but it’s comforting to know you can still satisfy your sweet tooth without using ingredients that’ll cause distress in your body.

The smell of this pie will bring delight while baking and as always I only share recipes that all your family and friends will enjoy!

Organic Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Christmas time is one of my favorite times of year. The sounds, colors, the magic and of course the flavors. Peppermint is one of my ultimate favorite flavors and I love indulging in everything peppermint during this time.

With that said, the only problem is most treats during the holidays are loaded with unnecessary ingredients and tons of sugar. Which is why I needed to create a healthier option for my beloved peppermint hot chocolate.

I hope this will become a staple during your holidays for you and your family to enjoy!

Organic Grain-Free, Sugar Free Pumpkin Pie

One of my favorite dishes of the Thanksgiving meal has always been the pumpkin pie. It’s the only time of year I indulge in this seasonal pie. Are you a BIG dollop of whipped cream kind of person? I sure am!

Since changing my diet I’m constantly trying to recreate delicious recipes that even your gluten, sugar eating friends will enjoy! This year, 2019, is the first year that I am completely grain free and refined sugar free so have been recipe testing trying to get this down before Thanksgiving. I think I nailed it. Please let me know what you think if you happen to make this pie to share with your family and friends this holiday season!