Homemade Raw Organic Evaporated Milk

What is evaporated milk you may ask? Evaporated milk is simply milk reduced down to a creamy liquid. To do this you slow simmer the milk to evaporate most of water content in the milk.

A lot of canned versions of evaporated milk have some iffy ingredients in them. That’s why I like making my own so I know exactly what is in it. If a recipe calls for evaporated milk just be confident that you can create a healthier version for yourself. It’s a good idea to make this a day ahead so it’s ready when you go to make your pies.

Homemade Raw Organic Evaporated Milk

Recipe by Heather MoffattCourse: Baking Basic

Healthier and more nutritious homemade evaporated milk.


  • 4 cups Raw Organic Whole Milk


  • Pour 2 cups of milk into sauce pan and make a mental note, grab a wooden skewer, spoon or whatever you have on hand and measure the line of the two cups of milk. This will give you an idea of when your milk is done and reduced by half. Then pour the remaining 2 cups in.
  • In your saucepan, bring milk to a simmer over medium heat. DO NOT boil.
  • Once your milk has started simmering reduce the heat to medium-low and allow it to continue to gently simmer, stirring frequently to skim the skin off the top and to prevent the milk from burning.
  • Simmer your milk for approximately 30 minutes to an hour, until it is reduced to 2 cups.
  • Once reduced, pour through a strainer into a glass jar and set aside to cool completely.
  • Store in refrigerator 5-7 days.


  • It’s a good idea to make this a day ahead so it’s ready when you go to make your pies.

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