Homemade Raw Organic Evaporated Milk

What is evaporated milk you may ask? Evaporated milk is simply milk reduced down to a creamy liquid. To do this you slow simmer the milk to evaporate most of water content in the milk.

A lot of canned versions of evaporated milk have some iffy ingredients in them. That’s why I like making my own so I know exactly what is in it. If a recipe calls for evaporated milk just be confident that you can create a healthier version for yourself. It’s a good idea to make this a day ahead so it’s ready when you go to make your pies.

Organic Spanish Rice

Over the years I’ve discovered that the only grain my body likes and does well with is rice. I don’t eat it often but do love a good Mexican meal from time to time. If you do well with rice too then you are going to fall in love with this rice recipe. Everyone who’s tried it has said they like it better than anything you can get in a restaurant. Let me know what you think!

Organic Homemade Applesauce

When you have Crohn’s and Colitis, and are in a flare, the last thing you want to do is eat food let alone food that is hard to digest. It’s best to stick to pureed, completely cook or juiced food.

This applesauce is always a life saver for me and I know while eating it I’m fueling my body with healthy and healing ingredients. I always make a large batch so I know I’ll have some in hand for about 7-10 days. Please feel free to reduce the recipe in half or thirds if you don’t feel you need as much.